Zugriffe: 1312
Informative Seite der Carnegie-Stiftung für internationalen Frieden.
Zugriffe: 1676
Die Methode der "Gewaltfreie Kommunikation" benutze den Begriff Gewaltfreiheit im Sinne von Gandhi: Er meint damit unser einfühlendes Wesen, das sich wieder entfaltet, wenn die Gewalt in unseren Herzen nachlässt. Wir betrachten unsere Art zu sprechen vielleicht nicht als ‚gewalttätig’, dennoch führen unsere Worte oft zu Verletzung und Leid – bei uns selbst oder bei anderen.
Zugriffe: 917
Info And Comment On Use of UK Drones
Zugriffe: 867
Vision of Humanity is an initiative of the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP). The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) is the first index to systematically rank and compare 162 countries according to the impact of terrorism.
Zugriffe: 427
The Webside Hibakusha Worldwide is an interactive map on health and environmental issues related to the nuclear chain
Zugriffe: 1374
Der internationale Friedenstag der von den Vereinten Nationen ausgerufen wurde, wird jedes Jahr am 21.September mit Aktionen etc. begangen.
Zugriffe: 814
Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) was founded by Iraq war veterans in July 2004 at the annual convention of Veterans for Peace (VFP) in Boston to give a voice to the large number of active duty service people and veterans who are against this war, but are under various pressures to remain silent.
Zugriffe: 1369
US Antikriegs-Seite "Nicht in unserem Namen"
Zugriffe: 1421
Grasswurzel Friedensarmee als Alternative zum Militär
Zugriffe: 564
Humansim, Nonviolence, Human Rights, Disarmament and Non-Discrimiation
Pressenza is a space open to the expression of the social base.
Zugriffe: 1178
Increasingly soldiers everywhere are refusing to serve in the military. In almost all cases, armies dehumanise us: we are asked to risk our lives in order to discipline, maim and kill other human beings in wars for whose horrors nothing can possibly prepare us. If we are soldiers and don't obey orders, we can be punished, persecuted, imprisoned and killed.
Zugriffe: 1137
The Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation was incorporated as a registered non-profit society in 1996 in British Columbia. The aims of the BBCF are: To create, to develop, and to encourage programs that promote social justice, peace, sustainability, diversity and community, through research, writing, film and art; and to organize public events that will contribute, globally and locally, to knowledge and awareness.
Zugriffe: 1467
WarIsBusiness.com is a startup news site covering military contracting and the global arms trade. On this site you find also contractor-map plots the addresses of more than 2,000 companies awarded US Defense Department contracts worth at least $1 million in fiscal year 2010.
Zugriffe: 1367
Das WRI ist das internationale Sprachrohr der Friedensbewegung. Friedensorganisationen vieler Länder haben sich zu diesem Dachverband zusammengeschlossen, um gemeinsam gegen die Ursachen des Krieges vorzugehen.
Zugriffe: 540
World Beyond War is a global nonviolent movement to end war and establish a just and sustainable peace. They work to advance the idea of not just preventing any particular war but abolishing the entire institution. We strive to replace a culture of war with one of peace in which nonviolent means of conflict resolution take the place of bloodshed.